Smlarw.gif (887 bytes) Click here to read “Everything We Know About the Dangers of Vaping, JUULing & E-Cigarettes”– Resouces to educate your students and children on the risks and dangers of vaping, JUULing, and E-Cigarettes.

Challenge Your Students With

Not-so-hypothetical situations from the case files of Charis Denison.


Want some help implementing character education in your school?

Smlarw.gif (887 bytes) Click here to read “How to Teach Character Education” by David Elkind and Freddy Sweet, Ph.D. This article was originally published in an issue of Today’s School magazine under the title “You Are a Character Educator.”

Smlarrow.gif (887 bytes) Click here to read “Ethical Reasoning and the Art of Classroom Dialogue” by David Elkind and Freddy Sweet, Ph.D. as published in an issue of NASSP’s The High School Magazine.

Smlarrow.gif (895 bytes)Click here to read “The Socratic Approach to Character Education” by David Elkind and Freddy Sweet, Ph.D. This article was originally published in an issue of ASCD’s Educational Leadership magazine.

Smlarw.gif (887 bytes) Click here to read “Reaching At-Risk Youth Through Video” by David Elkind and Freddy Sweet, Ph.D. as published in an issue of The Journal of the Texas Middle School Association.