This material is from the teaching guide
for the video “Groark Learns about PREJUDICE“
in the 10-part DVD series GETTING ALONG with GROARK
DON’T pre-judge people. Get to know them as individuals before you decide whether or not you like them.
TREAT people the way you want them to treat you.
STAND UP for people who are being treated with prejudice. Don’t go along with the crowd when people are being unfair to someone.
LEARN about other cultures, countries, and peoples.
If you are using the video, ask the first two questions before viewing.
1. Are all of us here exactly the same? In what ways are we different? In what ways are we alike?
2. Are differences bad? Why or why not?
3. The kids in the discussion part of the video said Burna was being prejudiced. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
4. Why did Essie decide not to invite Wonker to her party?
5. How did Groark feel about not inviting Wonker to the party?
6. How did Groark handle the situation with Essie and Burna? Was that a good way to do it? Are there other ways he could have handled it?
This material is from the teaching guide
for the video “Groark Learns about PREJUDICE“
in the 10-part DVD series GETTING ALONG with GROARK
7. What is prejudice?
8. How is prejudice different from not liking someone?
9. How many different forms of prejudice can you think of?
10. Were any of the other characters in the video victims of prejudice? In what ways?
11. Have you ever experienced prejudice? In what way? How did it make you feel?
12. How do prejudiced people treat others?
13. How do people become prejudiced? Where do they learn prejudice?
14. What would you do if someone acted prejudiced toward you?
15. What would you do if a friend of yours acted prejudiced toward someone else?
16. What did you learn from this video?
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To find teaching guides on related topics for this and older grade levels |
1. Discuss with the students how the following situations may be showing prejudice.
• Making fun of someone’s weight.
• Not playing with someone because he or she can’t run fast.
• Teasing people because they speak a different language.
• Calling people names because of skin color.
• Ignoring someone because he or she is in a wheel chair.
• Not letting a girl play with trucks because she’s a girl.
• Not letting a boy take dance lessons because he is a boy.
2. Have the kids make self-portrait puppets. Use these puppets to role play prejudiced situations. Have students find ways to handle those situations and change the prejudiced behaviors.
3. Play a sorting game. Have the kids group themselves according to one of these categories:
Hair color, Skin color, Eye color, Gender, Height (tallest and shortest according to a selected measurement), Month of Birthday, Birth places (all those born in the same state or city), Clothes (certain colors or styles), Likes or Dislikes (such as colors, foods, music, etc.).
With each category, describe a situation that demonstrates an unfair situation. For examples, “What if today I only let those who had brown hair go out for recess. Is that fair?” or “What if today, only the girls could have lunch. Is that fair?”
After the game, discuss how prejudice is not being fair to others.
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Other teaching guides in this series:
| • Controlling Anger • Working Out Conflicts • Being Good Listeners | • Bullying & Teasing • Prejudice & Respect | |
This material is from the teaching guide
for the video “Groark Learns about PREJUDICE“
in the 10-part DVD series GETTING ALONG with GROARK
1. To help understand the diversity of backgrounds in a classroom, students can interview a parent, grandparent, or relative about ways in which they celebrated holidays, traveled, lived, etc. Younger kids can then draw pictures to illustrate something they were told and share it with the class. Older kids can write a report about what they learned, illustrate it, and share it with the class.
2. Write about an individual who overcame obstacles of prejudice to accomplish something worthwhile. This could be a great political leader, a teacher, or even a family member.
3. Write a description of what you think Wonker is really like. Younger children can draw pictures and the teacher can list Wonker’s qualities as the children describe them.
4. Write a letter to Groark telling him what you think of how he handled the situation with Burna and Essie. Do you have any advice you’d like to give him?
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To enlist the involvement of parents, make copies of the “For Parents” block (see below) and send them home with the children. Tell the children to discuss the video with their parents, and to perform the following activities.
1. Take home Groark’s rules for How To Overcome Prejudice (see the top of this column) and post it in a place where your family can see it. Discuss it with your parents or other adult family members.
2. Talk with your family about prejudice. Discuss experiences they may have had with prejudice and how it has affected them or their family.
3. For one week, keep a listing of television programs in which prejudiced comments or actions are shown. Discuss these with your family or class. How do these programs affect our views of each other and how we treat each other?
4. Select a person you do not know very well. Make an effort to try to get to know him or her. Learn about his or her culture or background. Try to find ways in which you may be alike.
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(Copy this block and send it home to the parents.)
Dear Parent,
Your child is learning some valuable skills which will help him or her get along well with others, solve conflicts peacefully, and avoid violent situations.
The current lesson is about prejudice. We have shown your child a video entitled “Groark Learns About Prejudice”, which presents a puppet show and discussion about what prejudice is and how we can overcome it.
Here are some things you can do to help your child recognize and deal with unfair prejudices.
• Ask your child to tell you about the video program and what he or she learned from it.
• Discuss with your child what prejudice is and what kinds of behaviors demonstrate prejudice.
• As you watch television with your child, help him or her identify language, dialogue, or actions that demonstrate prejudiced behavior.
• As your child deals with instances of prejudice at home or school, be open to discussing ways in which he or she can safely handle those situations.
• Help your child become sensitive to his or her own behaviors or language that may be of a prejudiced nature.
This material is from the teaching guide
for the video “Groark Learns about PREJUDICE“
in the 10-part DVD series GETTING ALONG with GROARK
the video
This video teaches children:
• What prejudice is.
• What’s wrong with being prejudiced.
• How to avoid being prejudiced.
• The benefits of being open to different kinds of people.
• Both English and Spanish on the same DVD.
• Closed Captioned for the Hearing Impaired.
“Getting Along With Groark “
with GROARK”
the series
For more information about individual videos in this series, click on a topic below.
• Controlling Anger
• Working Out Conflicts
• Being Good Listeners
• Bullying & Teasing
• Prejudice & Respect
If your school or organization does not have these videos, you can purchase them from Live Wire Media, or request them from your local library.
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