This material is from the teaching guide
for the video “Groark Learns to CONTROL ANGER“
in the 10-part DVD series GETTING ALONG with GROARK
1. STOP. . .
Count to ten. Take a deep breath. Or walk away until you have calmed down.
2. SAY. . .
what’s wrong. Use your words to say what you don’t like.
3. TELL. . .
what you would like to have happen.
If you are using the video, ask the first three questions before viewing.
1. What are some things that make you angry? (Make a list.)
2. Is it okay to get angry sometimes? When?
3. How do people act when they are angry?
4. Why was Groark so angry at the beginning of the video? Who was he angry at?
5. How did Groark behave when he became angry? What did Nubbs do when he became angry? Was that a good way for them to deal with their anger? Why, why not?
This material is from the teaching guide
for the video “Groark Learns to CONTROL ANGER“
in the 10-part DVD series GETTING ALONG with GROARK
6. Did they lose control of their anger? How can you tell?
7. Does losing control of our anger make things better or worse? What happens when we lose control of our anger?
8. How can you tell when you are losing control of your anger? What can you do to calm down?
9. What are some good ways to get rid of anger?
10. How can you tell when someone else is getting angry? What are some of the warning signs? Does everyone have the same warning signs?
11. What are some good ways to handle someone else’s anger?
12. Did the kids in the discussion part of the program say anything that you strongly agree or disagree with?
13. What did you learn from this video?
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To find teaching guides on related topics for this and older grade levels |
1. Teach children how to relax and calm down with relaxation exercises.
Breathing Deeply: Have the kids take a deep breath while counting to five. Then as you count back to one, have them slowly release the air.
Muscle Relaxing: Have the kids pretend to become frozen by slowly tightening each part of their bodies until they are “frozen solid”. Then, let them “thaw” by relaxing each part of their bodies and allowing their anger to melt away.
Combined Breathing and Muscle Relaxing: Have the kids pretend they are balloons filling up with air. As you count to five, they slowly breath in and fill up their balloons, stretching and tightening their muscles. Have them hold it a few seconds. Then, as you count back to one again, have them release the air and relax their muscles as though their balloon is deflating.
2. Have students identify ways in which they handle their anger in positive ways. List these on a chart. Post the chart in the classroom and refer to it when situations arise.
3. Role play situations that create anger. Younger children may use puppets. Have students show how they would react in each situation. Discuss how controlling their anger can change the situation and role play it again. Examples of some situations are:
a) Your friend teases you about your hairstyle.
b) You find out that your best friend has gone roller skating with someone else and didn’t invite you.
c) Your sister or brother borrows your favorite sweater without asking.
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Other teaching guides in this series:
| • Controlling Anger • Working Out Conflicts • Being Good Listeners | • Bullying & Teasing • Prejudice & Respect | |
This material is from the teaching guide
for the video “Groark Learns to CONTROL ANGER“
in the 10-part DVD series GETTING ALONG with GROARK
1. HANDLING ANGER BOOKS. For younger children this can be done as a group activity. For older children it can be done in smaller groups or individually. Have children cut out pictures from magazines, draw pictures, and use words and phrases to show all the things that help people relax and get rid of anger. These books can be bound and kept in the classroom for students to look at or read.
2. CARTOON STRIP. Have students create cartoon strips showing situations where characters deal with anger. Have them show the positive solutions as well as the negative.
For younger children, have them find comic strips from the newspaper that show the characters dealing with anger. Share them with the class and discuss how the characters might be able to handle the situation better. Make the strips into a book with children drawing pictures to show the situations in a positive way.
3. ANGER IN THE NEWS. Have students bring in news articles that show how anger affects communities and world events. Discuss the various situations and how calming down, thinking things through and talking things out might have affected the result. Have students write a news article showing how events could be different if people controlled their anger. Create a bulletin board with articles and pictures showing the positive and negative results of anger in the community or world.
For younger children, have them find pictures from the newspaper or create pictures for the bulletin board showing situations where anger affects people.
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To enlist the involvement of parents, make copies of the “For Parents” block (see below) and send them home with the children. Tell the children to discuss the video with their parents, and to perform the following activities.
1. Draw a poster or a picture that can remind you how to deal with your anger. Put it up in a place where you can see it.
2. Read a story or find a picture that shows anger. Share with someone more positive ways in which the anger could be handled and how it would change the situation.
3. Watch a television show where the characters deal with anger. Discuss with your family how television might affect how people deal with their anger. Does it affect you or your family?
Note to the teacher or group leader: It might be a good idea to think of some way for the children to share the outcomes of these activities with each other. Perhaps they could give written or oral reports or discuss their experiences in small groups.
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(Copy this block and send it home to the parents.)
Dear Parent,
Your child is learning some valuable skills which will help him or her get along well with others, solve conflicts peacefully, and avoid violent situations.
The current lesson is about controlling anger. We have shown your child a video entitled “Groark Learns to Control Anger”, which presents a puppet show and discussion about how to deal with angry feelings
Here are some things you can do to help your child learn to handle angry feelings peacefully.
• Ask your child to tell you about the video program and what he or she learned from it.• Discuss with your child the steps he or she learned for controlling anger.
• Affirm to your child that anger is normal, that we all get angry at times and must learn how to deal with these feelings. This is part of growing up.
• Tell your child about times when you or other family members made things worse by losing control of anger. Discuss how keeping control could have made things better.
• When your child becomes angry, help him or her calm down and stay in control.
• Don’t lose control of your own anger in your child’s presence. Remember, you are your child’s most influential teacher.
This material is from the teaching guide
for the video “Groark Learns to CONTROL ANGER“
in the 10-part DVD series GETTING ALONG with GROARK
the video
This video teaches children:
• How anger can cause us to lose control of our behavior.
• How anger can lead to violence, even when we don’t intend it.
• How we can calm our anger and stay in control.
• Both English and Spanish on the same DVD.
• Closed Captioned for the Hearing Impaired.
“Getting Along With Groark “
with GROARK”
the series
For more information about individual videos in this series, click on a topic below.
• Controlling Anger
• Working Out Conflicts
• Being Good Listeners
• Bullying & Teasing
• Prejudice & Respect
If your school or organization does not have these videos, you can purchase them from Live Wire Media, or request them from your local library.
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